In the 21st century, education cannot be confined to the classroom.
Values of empathy and goodwill, passion for problem solving, strong character – these are the prerequisites for our future leaders.
LEAD Hubs empower future leaders. Every Hub’s flagship initiative is a leadership academy – an accredited academic institution that provides full-time academic classes, elite sport training, good nutrition, healthcare, and life skills to the brightest and most talented boys and girls, ages 8-18, in that region. In addition, every Hub offers programs for youth outside of the academy, including nationwide sport tournaments, STEM + Leadership camps, capacity building for young social entrepreneurs, and in-person events.
At present, we support two leadership hubs – LEAD Monrovia Football Academy in Monrovia, Liberia (est. 2015) and LEAD Morocco in El Mansouria, Morocco (est. 2019).
The Big Five
LEAD Hubs are founded on five core principles:
Inclusive: LEAD Hubs work with children and young adults of all races, religions, and ethnicities
Gender Equal: LEAD Hubs break down persistent gender barriers by striving for 50:50 gender representation at the student, staff, and board levels
Holistic Learning: LEAD Hubs augment local Ministry of Education curriculum with leadership, entrepreneurship, STEM, and life skills courses to promote holistic learning
Access: LEAD Hubs target at least half of students to come from low-income households
Local Leadership: LEAD Hubs identify local talent to found, shape and lead our Hubs, ensuring they are embedded in local culture
Education first, sport second
In the LEAD family, we understand the profound power of sport to capture the energy and imagination of youth.
Our main priority, however, is to provide a holistic, comprehensive education that equips our future leaders with the skills they need to achieve their dreams.
These dreams are just as diverse as our students. From doctors, to lawyers, to actors, to musicians to sporting heroes, we encourage all ambition. Our primary goal is to develop future leaders.
Every LEAD Hub has a full-time leadership academy with five core programs: education, sport, life skills, nutrition, and healthcare.
Academic programs are created with the input of local education ministries and country-specific scholars. Lesson plans reject rote learning and promote dynamic, immersive and enriching classroom environments. Locally sourced curricula are complemented by LEAD Edu’s flagship leadership course, as well as entrepreneurship and STEM courses.
Every country needs prestigious education providers, those special institutions that break down barriers and redefine the definition of what is possible. The academies at LEAD Hubs raise the bar by pushing limits and setting standards.
Academy student-athletes engage in at least 1.5 hours of sport training per day. The academies at LEAD’s first two Hubs in Liberia and Morocco are focused on football, but future Hubs will feature a diverse array of sports. The academies deliver comprehensive sport curricula that disrupt bad habits, introduce fundamental techniques, and encourage creativity.
Quality academic classes and elite sport training are augmented by daily life skills lessons. LEAD Hubs partner with both local and global organizations to teach STEM, HIV/AIDS prevention, conflict resolution, financial literacy, and digital literacy, ensuring graduates leave as well-rounded individuals.
Nutritional requirements vary depending on the country, but the academies at LEAD Hubs invest heavily to ensure student-athletes have balanced, nutrient-rich diets.
All staff members at LEAD Hubs have medical insurance. Academy student-athletes are insured for injuries while participating in sport, and academy medics also provide on-site healthcare.
Beyond the Academies
The academies are the heart and soul of LEAD Hubs. They bring depth, ensuring there is a vehicle that yields long-term systemic change. At capacity, each academy has 250 future leaders receiving academic classes, sport training, life skills, nutrition, and healthcare every day.
Beyond the academies, LEAD Hubs impact thousands of youth through a variety of after-school, capacity-building, and event-based programs. In collaboration with global partners such as Orange and government bodies, LEAD Hubs offer nationwide sport tournaments, STEM + Leadership camps, capacity building for young social entrepreneurs, and in-person events.
Student Story from LEAD Hubs
Blessing's Story
Blessing Kieh is from West Point in Monrovia, Liberia. In October 2015, LEAD Monrovia Football Academy's co-founders spotted her in the heart of West Point, mixing it with the boys on the football pitch. This is a rare sight in Liberia, a country where football is so dominated by men that it is commonly referred to as 'manball'.
Neither Blessing's parents nor her grandparents attended school, but Blessing thrived as a student at LEAD Monrovia Football Academy, maintaining a 91% average throughout her tenure. She’s no slouch on the football pitch, either. In early-2020, Goal.com ran this feature on her success with Liberia’s U-17 youth national team.
Today, Blessing attends Westminster School in Simsbury, CT, USA on a four-year scholarship worth US $260,000. Blessing is an inspiration, and her potential is boundless. She is truly one of LEAD’s most talented and promising student-athletes.